Friday 5 July 2024

School Climate Survey Questions: Teachers, Staff, & Students

Speed Read (tldr) of School Climate Survey Questions: Teachers, Staff, and Students

  1. Comprehensive Assessment Tool: Climate and culture surveys provide a structured way to assess school environments, including safety, engagement, and instructional effectiveness. They gather feedback from students, staff, and parents to identify strengths and areas needing improvement, crucial for fostering a positive school climate.

  2. Drive Targeted Improvements: Insights from these surveys help schools implement focused improvements such as enhancing safety measures, integrating mental health support, and refining instructional practices. Engaging stakeholders promotes collaboration and supports continuous school improvement.

  3. Enhance Stakeholder Satisfaction: By addressing identified areas, schools improve satisfaction among students, staff, and parents. A supportive school climate enhances academic outcomes and overall well-being, fostering a sense of belonging in the school community.

Read below for resources, tips, and the why!

Table of Contents

Climate and culture surveys are invaluable for assessing the various aspects of a school’s environment—ranging from safety and engagement to the effectiveness of instructional methods. Accordingly, schools can foster a supportive and thriving atmosphere for students, staff, and parents alike by understanding and addressing these areas. Therefore, we’ve compiled questions and these things to consider when building school climate survey questions for teachers, staff and students.

What is a school climate and culture survey?

Schools use a climate and culture survey to assess various aspects of the school’s environment and the experiences of students, staff, and parents. These surveys aim to gather perceptions and data. Afterward, school leaders can use the information collected to create a positive and supportive school climate. 

Why is a school climate survey important?

School climate surveys aim to identify strengths and areas needing improvement to ensure a safe, supportive, and effective learning environment. So, schools use these insights to promote positive behavior, integrate mental health support, enhance school safety, and implement restorative practices and mindfulness techniques. Furthermore, engaging parents and community partners plays a critical role in fostering shared leadership and driving continuous school improvement. With this in mind, learn more about creating a welcoming and inclusive climate with our webinar event recaps: A Welcoming School Climate: Creating Spaces for Safety, Inclusion, and Belonging and Foundations of a Strong School Climate: Operational Excellence”.

What areas are typically assessed in a school climate survey?

The National Education Center for Statistics provides examples and topics typically covered in such surveys:


  • Cultural and Linguistic Competence: Evaluates how well the school respects and integrates diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
  • Relationships: Assesses the quality of interactions and relationships among students, staff, and parents.
  • School Participation: Measures the level of involvement and engagement of students and families in school activities.


  • Emotional Safety: Gauges how safe students feel emotionally within the school environment.
  • Physical Safety: Assesses the physical safety measures and the perception of safety among students and staff.
  • Bullying/Cyberbullying: Examines the prevalence and handling of bullying and cyberbullying incidents.
  • Substance Abuse: Investigates issues related to substance abuse within the school community.
  • Emergency Readiness/Management: Evaluates the school’s preparedness and response plans for emergencies.


  • Physical Environment: Looks at the quality and condition of the school’s physical facilities.
  • Instructional Environment: Assesses the effectiveness and inclusiveness of the instructional practices.
  • Physical Health: Evaluates the promotion and maintenance of physical health among students and staff.
  • Mental Health: Investigates the support and interventions available for mental health needs.
  • Discipline: Examines the fairness and effectiveness of the school’s disciplinary practices.

In the event that you would like to foster a welcoming hybrid or virtual school environment, you can adjust questions accordingly.

For Teachers & Staff

  1. What changes do you feel are most needed at Our School?
  2. Name one school practice you would like to see improve next year.
  3. What part of the school day is your favorite? Why?
  4. The updated school mission was shared last week. What about that mission and SY24-25 excites you?
  5. What would you like to be started, stopped, or continued to make next school year great?
  6. Hi from Our School! We’re closing this year strong and want your feedback.  What do you most want on campus as we prepare for next year? Reply with the number of your top choice.  1) Improved school leadership communication 2) Improved facilities 3) Family involvement opportunities 4) Improved family/teacher communications 5) Stricter discipline procedures 6) Other, please explain.
  7. What feedback do you have for the school after the first 4 months?
  8. What would meet or exceed your expectations for the first 3 months of school at Our School?
  9. Please share what your experience was like when you were in the grade your student is in currently. How do you hope it is the same or different from your child’s experience?
  10. Do you think Our School has made a difference in the community? Please reply: YES or NO.
  11. As we prepare for our return after winter break, please reply with the number of the activity you’d most prefer: 1) A reconnection activity 2) An activity with a focus on staff health and wellness
  12. Do you have any student culture concerns or support needs? Please reply: YES or NO. If YES, please share.
  13. Have you noticed any positive improvements in school culture? Please reply: YES or NO, and explain.

Additional questions for staff regarding equity, school climate, and culture, can be found here!

Example School Climate Survey Questions Related to Safety for Students

  1. Hello from Our School. From your perspective, what is the single most important addition that Our School could make to improve school safety? Please reply with the number of your top choice:  1) Security guard 2) Surveillance Cameras 3) Intercom System 4) Upgraded code-entry locks
  2. Hi from Our School! We are considering adding security personnel for next school year. How do you feel about that?  1) Extremely comfortable 2) Comfortable 3) Neutral 4) Slightly uncomfortable 5) Very uncomfortable
  3. What is the most important campus security policy you would like to see at Our School next year?
  4. Would you be interested in participating in a Safety Committee to help us improve traffic safety at Our School? Please reply: YES or NO. If you reply YES, please ensure that you have included your contact information in this report so we can follow-up with you.
  5. In what ways would you like to see your child grow socially or emotionally?
  6. Is your child struggling with any of the following? Please reply with the number(s) that apply and share your name at the end of this survey if so.  1) Peer relationships 2) Bullying 3) Other, please explain 4) None of the above
  7. Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process of developing the self-awareness, self-control, and interpersonal skills that are vital for school, work, and life success. Do you feel your student needs support in any of those specific areas? Please reply with the number of your top choice(s):  1) Self-awareness 2) Self-control 3) Interpersonal Skills
  8. Your child practices the 4 Conscious Discipline calming breathing techniques daily at school. Does your child practice these techniques at home? Please reply YES or NO. If YES, does he/she have a favorite technique?

Examples of Short School Climate Surveys

For Families

  1. Are you happy with Our School this year? Yes, Mostly, No
  2. When thinking about your student’s experience at school, how would you prioritize the importance of the following categories: (5pt scale)
    1. Academics
    2. Teachers & Staff
    3. Operations (Communications, Procedures, Building, Transportation)
    4. Community & Culture (Sense of Belonging, Personal Feelings of Safety)
  3. How would you rate your satisfaction with each of the following categories: (5pt scale)
    1. Academics
    2. Teachers & Staff
    3. Operations
    4. Community & Culture
  4. Do you feel that your student is successful at Our School? Yes, Mostly, No
  5. Do you feel that your student has the resources needed to succeed? Yes, Mostly, No
  6. Are you happy with your student’s classroom experience this year? Yes, Mostly, No
  7. How would you rate your satisfaction with communication at Our School? (5pt scale) *Levels can be edited to be relevant to your community* From the School, the District, the Classroom
  8. If you could change one thing about your experience at Our School, what would it be?
  9. Do you have any praise to share about Our School?
  10. Do you have any needs, ideas, or feedback to share?

For Staff

  1. Are you happy working with Our School this year? Yes, Mostly, No
  2. When thinking about your experience at Our School, how important are the following categories to you: (5pt scale)
    1. Administration
    2. Workload
    3. Operations (Communications, Procedures, Building, Policies)
    4. Community & Culture (Sense of Belonging, Personal Feelings of Safety)
  3. How would you rate your satisfaction with each of the following categories: (5pt scale)
    1. Administration
    2. Workload
    3. Operations (Communications, Procedures, Building, Policies)
    4. Community & Culture (Sense of Belonging, Personal Feelings of Safety)
  4. Do you feel that you are successful at Our School? Yes, Mostly, No
  5. Do you feel that you have the resources needed to succeed? Yes, Mostly, No
  6. Are you happy with your experience within your department this year? Yes, Mostly, No
  7. How would you rate your satisfaction with communication? (5pt scale) *Levels can be edited to be relevant to your community* From your Principal, your School District
  8. If you could change one thing about your experience, what would it be?
  9. Do you have any praise to share?
  10. Do you have any needs, ideas, or feedback to share?

Geared to High Schoolers

  1. Are you happy with Our School this year? Yes, Mostly, No
  2. When thinking about your experience at School, how important are the following categories to you: (5pt scale)
    1. Academics
    2. Teachers & Staff
    3. Operations (Communications, Procedures, Building, Transportation)
    4. Community & Culture (Sense of Belonging, Personal Feelings of Safety)
  3. How would you rate your satisfaction with each of the following categories: (5pt scale)
    1. Academics
    2. Teachers & Staff
    3. Operations
    4. Community & Culture
  4. Do you feel that you are successful at Our School? Yes, Mostly, No
  5. Do you feel that you have the resources needed to succeed? Yes, Mostly, No
  6. Are you happy with your classroom experience this year? Yes, Mostly, No
  7. How would you rate your satisfaction with communication? (5pt scale) *Levels can be edited to be relevant to your community* From your teachers, your principal, the school district
  8. If you could change one thing about your experience, what would it be?
  9. Do you have any praise to share?
  10. Do you have any needs, ideas, or feedback to share?


Understanding your school’s climate through surveys is crucial, but truly acting on that understanding is what brings about meaningful change. By scheduling a demo with Possip, you can see firsthand what your community is really saying. Discover how our tools can help you gather and analyze this essential feedback to improve your school’s environment and foster a positive and inclusive atmosphere for everyone involved. Schedule your Possip demo today and start making informed decisions that reflect the true needs and wishes of your school community.

school climate survey questions

school climate survey questions

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