Tis the season for testing! Kids aren’t the only ones who need to prepare for testing! Our Possip school network lets us see the top ten testing tips for parents and schools!

1. Make sure parents know what the testing dates are.
Send home a notice with a colored flyer announcing the dates, grades and subjects that are being tested.
2. Use every communication channel available!
Parents need to hear the same information multiple times and in multiple ways.
Might they get annoyed? Yes.
Is it still important? Definitely.
Use an old-school flyer, a robocall, your weekly Possip, Twitter, Facebook, and any other methods you tend to use. Your kids and teachers have worked hard to show what they know – so you want them to have fun showing what they know -and communication helps..
Parents need to hear the same information multiple times
and in multiple ways.
Might they get annoyed? Yes.
Is it still important? Definitely.
3. Let Parents Know Why Attendance Matters & What To Do.
Attendance always matters – and even more so now. Make sure parents know why attendance and on-time arrival is more important than ever. Give parents clear instructions for if they anticipate any attendance or arrival challenges. For example, should they call the school the night before? Send a text through their Possip account?

4. Expect the best & communicate it!
Research shows that kids respond to the expectations around them. Prompt parents to share a letter of encouragement for students that highlight positive attributes like their child’s focus, attention, willingness to work hard, and how much they have learned this year.
One Possip school sent parents home notes that they could send back in an envelope. You can also use upper grades or teachers to make each kid feel special by getting them a special note before their testing starts.
5. Celebrate the effort!
During testing weeks let parents know how it has gone.
Again, you can use a robocall, an old school flyer, your weekly Possip, Twitter, email, etc. Let parents know how the school felt (Joyful? Focused? Determined? Happy?) and let parents know how proud you are of their child and all the teachers and staff.
One last note. Since kids will be using their brain on overtime during testing week, consider pushing pause on homework for that week to give them extra time to relax their brain and be physically active.

1. Know the Testing Calendar!
Make sure YOU KNOW when the test dates are. Put the dates up on the fridge or wall.
2. Attendance matters.
Make sure your kids are present (if they aren’t sick). The most important driver to doing well on the test is being present. They’ll get to take the test alongside their peers, which will be a familiar and comfortable environment for them.
3. Keep mornings calm.
Make the mornings especially calm. Save the screaming and frustration for the other 355 days of the year. We know the mornings can test the patience of a saint. Still, double down on patience so your child can start the school day feeling calm, happy and ready. Get them to school on time for breakfast at school, or give them a good breakfast at home.
4. Pump up the Jam!
You ever want a theme song playing as you go to work in the morning? Give your kid that chance. Play their favorite music in the mornings, give them the inspiration they need. Even if your mind is spinning with what future school options might be on or off limits based on this test, your kids don’t need to worry about that or anything other than doing their best.
5. Best & Rest.
Let your kid know that trying their best is all you want. Let them know when they do their best, no matter the outcome, it is going to be one that makes you proud. Remind them of all of their awesome human skills – working hard, perseverance, humor, focus, kindness, thoughtfulness, etc. Tell them if they are doing their best and being great then that’s all you ask. You can rest easy! Even if your mind is spinning with what future school options might be on or off limits based on this test, your kids don’t need to worry about that or anything other than doing their best.
The post Top Ten Testing Tips For Parents & Schools appeared first on Possip | Engagement Platform | School Feedback App.
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