Possip Reporting Team Lead, Amanda Richards, writes about the top 10 parent feedback trends pulled from our Possip Pulse Checks from October 4th through October 8th, 2021.
Trends from Family Feedback
We wanted to share out and summarize what families had to say in terms of feedback and ideas for their school!
This past week, over 9,300 family members shared through Possip! 82% of families were happy this week, with the other families saying they were mostly happy or not happy this week. That’s a 6% increase from last week in terms of families who said they were happy with their child’s school.
List of top 10 trends we are seeing from parents:
The desire for smooth, efficient, and safe carline procedures. (Note: as schools and districts wrestle with bus transportation, carlines are being used more than typical. However, we do see carline and other operational-based needs from families in significant numbers at the beginning of the year).
- Feedback and comments about masks and COVID safety measures on campus
- More communication from teachers about academic progress for students on a consistent basis
- Requests for academic support for their student through things like tutoring
- Feedback about the curriculum taught to students (i.e. content, rigor, learning activities)
- Request for transportation needs and feedback about bus routes, late busses, or student behavior on the bus
- Questions about extracurricular activities and a desire to have more sports or afterschool activities for students
- Feedback about the cafeteria food, desire to have a weekly menu of food options, and feedback about the time students have to eat
- Questions about how to use school communication tools and ideas to enhance family communication through these tools (apps, parent portals, newsletters, etc.)
- Feedback about homework assignments (i.e. too much homework, homework content, homework feedback, or too little homework)
A few noteworthy trends:
- We are noticing a lot of comments and feedback about restroom policies, restroom monitoring needs, and restroom cleanliness.
- We also saw that families want recess to be a protected time during the day. Many did not agree when it is taken away as a consequence.
- Bullying concerns and the increased presence of student fighting are still persisting in family comments.
Thanks to all of Possip parents for contributing to Possip Pulse Checks to develop the Top 10 Parent Feedback Trends!
If you have questions about these trends, how to resolve them in your school or have feedback on our trends blog, please reach out to amanda@possip.com!
The post Top 10 Parent Feedback Trends appeared first on Possip | Parent Engagement Platform | School Feedback App.
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