Thursday, 30 March 2023

She Turned 5 Today

As a Nashville based company, the shooting at Covenant School gave us a particular devastation. The shooting directly impacted Possip customers, parents, and staff. As I scrolled Facebook looking for comfort, information, and community I saw this post from a Teacher and High School Placement Coordinator at Nashville Classical East, Alyssa Ly.  It said so much in a powerful way and we wanted to share with our broader community.

Thanks – Shani Dowell

She Turned Five Today

She turned five today.

She got ready, dressed like a princess and said, “Does this mean I get to go to kindergarten today?”

We give each other a tender smile and I tell her the day is coming soon, after the summer.

How sweet that our girl can’t wait for school.


I am filled with a sadness.

My baby, big enough to spend hours away from me. 

How did it happen so fast?


I go to work-

Today a visit at a school for much bigger kids.

“People get worried about security,” the principal tells me. “But there are eyes in the sky and security guards- it’s all very safe.” 

I see the cameras and the people dressed in black and think it feels like too much.


Another school.

Classes change

Teenagers walk past me-

Eyes glued to screens,

Blankly staring.

Until one startles.

I hear the news from her mouth and her cries.


My car takes me to the other side of town,

The school where I work.

I don’t remember the drive; just the sobbing, the yelling at the radio, the loud prayers, “Jesus, have mercy..”


I am filled with a different sadness.

Not of my baby growing up, but sadness that comes from a fear that she might not be able to grow old. 


I walk down hallways of teachers, barely holding it together

And children

None the wiser

Just measuring strings or

Laughing with friends or

Tired because today is Monday.


We put the children in cars and 

Everyone exhales for a moment.

The caretakers, children in tow;

The teachers, classrooms empty-

All finally able to unravel.


Until the caretakers realize

They have to explain

And the teachers realize 

We will do this all again tomorrow, but without the children’s blissful unawareness.


Somehow I find myself home.

Only after more tears, more yelling, more praying, “Jesus, have mercy…”


I wipe my face. 

She twirls around me, and tells me about her special day.

We eat cake and I try to pretend, for a moment, that the world outside this house was just a nightmare.


She turned five today.

And I know

What I hate to admit

Is that kindergarten isn’t scary anymore

Because my baby is growing up


Because the day is now coming, after summer 

When I won’t be able to pretend that the world outside this house was just a nightmare.


– Alyssa Ly, Teacher and High School Placement Coordinator at Nashville Classical East.

The post She Turned 5 Today appeared first on Possip | Engagement Platform | School Feedback Survey.

Monday, 27 March 2023

Grizzlies Prep: Parents with Pastries

Written by Possip’s Customer Relationship Manager, Jasmine Blue

Pastries with parents is Grizzlies Prep newest family engagement event, and it was a clear success.

Before the event, Grizzlies Prep, a Possip partner, used the Possip Bonus Question (BQ) to ask families if they planned on attending. They got an above average reply from parents saying yes. On the day of, they ran through 100 donuts and all of their extra pastries.



We talked to Grizzlies Prep’s Parent Liaison, Jennifer Benton, to find out why this event felt different than others, and she shared some tips:

      1. The timing. The event was early in the morning, before school and before work for many parents, which made it more accessible.

      1. Marketing. They marketed 2-3 weeks in advance, which proved to be a sweet spot for letting their families know it was happening.

      1. The Possip Bonus Question. The *BQ was another opportunity to gauge how many parents were interested in the event and what they could expect from the turnout.

      1. Reminder. On Sunday night before the Monday morning event, they sent out a text reminder to parents.

    Jennifer and the school are excited about making this an annual event for their families to connect with each other and the school. One of the benefits of the event? Jennifer was able to develop a team of parents interested in helping with events. Being at the event prompted some parents to ask: how can I help with this in the future? As opposed to finding volunteers through a dedicated parent involvement meeting, parents got to experience an event, and essentially say, I want to help create more of this for our school community going forward.



    Thanks to Jennifer and Grizzlies Prep for the photos! You can learn more about Grizzlies Prep here and read more stories about our Possip partners here.

    *The BQ: Hi from Grizzlies Prep! Pastries with Parents is on Monday, January 30 from 7-8am. Enjoy pastries with your student before school starts. Will you attend? Please reply: YES, MAYBE, or NO.




    The post Grizzlies Prep: Parents with Pastries appeared first on Possip | Engagement Platform | School Feedback Survey.

    Tuesday, 21 March 2023

    Possip Live Demo

    Learn how to authentically engage your community. Join us to amplify your skills!

    The post Possip Live Demo appeared first on Possip | Engagement Platform | School Feedback Survey.

    Tuesday, 14 March 2023

    Landon Mascareñaz on Co-Creating with Communities: Possip’s 3rd Annual Partner Retreat Recap


    Possip’s Third Annual Partner Retreat featured a conversation with Dr. Landon Mascareñaz of The Colorado Education Initiative. When Dr. Mascareñaz was writing his upcoming book, The Open System: Redesigning Education and Reigniting Democracy, Possip’s Founder, Shani Dowell, was an ‘Opener in Residence’ on a team advising Landon’s research. p Shani and Possip contributed insights that elevated the family experience through data and stories.


    Inspired by the Third Annual Partner Retreat, Possip Founder and CEO, Shani Dowell, started our team meeting this week with space for team members to “Share an example of a system or experience that has felt very open or closed.”

    Here is what came from that conversation.

    Insight 1: Leaders consider what it means to be open. 

    Landon’s 1st principle to help open systems is: Activate Open Leadership. Practice having mindsets that allow for change. Leaders must inquire into what it means to have an open mindset, and what it’s like to be closed – blocked, resistant. In the clip below Landon says of an open mindset,

    “Open allows for a deeper conversation about our personal blocks. This is critical for leadership and for democracy. He goes on to ask, “Are you open in yourself for the possibilities?

    – Dr. Landon Mascareñaz of The Colorado Education Initiative

    This is deep work. He doesn’t shy away from saying this is hard work and heart work. Openness is accompanied by acceptance and generosity of spirit. Being open helps with having less emotional attachment to what is received and less judgment toward a particular outcome. Asking for feedback means you may not always have the answers, but you’ll be open to possibilities. 

    Keynote Session Speaker Landon Mascareñaz answers Shani Dowell, “How do you build trust?”

    Insight 2: Schools are democratic systems. 

    Landon’s 5th principle to help open systems is: Model Creative Democracy. It is the idea of co-creation. Designing alongside the community using collective engagement and decision-making. In the clip above, Landon said, This was a powerful statement and left more for wondering. How are families encountering democracy in schools? 

    Schools are where most of our parents and families encounter democracy for the first time.”

    – Dr. Landon Mascareñaz of The Colorado Education Initiative

    This was a powerful statement and left more for wondering. How are families encountering democracy in schools? 

      • By participating in Possip and other surveys

      • By making enrollment choices

      • By voting for the school board, who make decisions on matters like budget and curriculum

      • By voting on school bonds

      • By attending parent-teacher conferences, and school events

      • By finding 1:1 time with teachers or administrators

      • By paying state or local sales tax

      • By serving on school committees and advisory boards

      • By volunteering with partnering organizations and programs that provide opportunities for students

      • By attending community forums or town halls

      • By showing up in whatever way is available to them. 

      That list takes engagement and initiation on a family’s behalf, and they will be more successful if met with breakout opportunities to engage (Landon’s 3rd principle) and clear pathways for how to initiate engagement. In the next clip Landon says,

      The reality is the power of co-creation is to reignite the possibility of participation.

      – Dr. Landon Mascareñaz of The Colorado Education Initiative

      Schools that prioritize co-creation can reignite the possibility of people participating in democratic systems. 

      Keynote Session Speaker Landon Mascareñaz answers Shani Dowell, “How do you develop an open mindset?”

      Insight 3: Openness is a practice. 

      Landon’s 6th principle to help open systems is: Expand Openness. This is where people take ownership of being open leaders and sustaining change. 

      Sustaining a culture of openness and co-creation takes people who practice those values and “trust the thing because they helped build it” as Landon says. At Possip, in our founding years, we’ve talked a lot about bridge-building. The bridge needs maintenance and a crew. An open system takes nurturing and intention, a sense of possibility and practice. Landon closed the conversation with encouragement that if schools and districts commit to these principles, we can “reignite the passion for trust, the possibility for trust, which will lead to a fundamentally different conversation.”

      We are so grateful for our time with Dr. Landon Mascareñaz and the insights he has impressed upon us! We can’t wait to order his book. Reach out to us for a discount code.


      We also want to thank the principals and administrator panelists who shared their experiences this year! We are excited to share more insights and video clips featuring these exceptional leaders in the future. See all panelists below and get connected.


            To view all full 2023 Possip Partner Retreat Recordings, Visit Out YouTube Playlist Here!


      The post Landon Mascareñaz on Co-Creating with Communities: Possip’s 3rd Annual Partner Retreat Recap appeared first on Possip | Engagement Platform | School Feedback Survey.

      Wednesday, 8 March 2023

      Possip’s 3rd Annual Partner Retreat

      You’re invited to Possip’s third annual Partner Retreat on Wednesday, March 8! You will join partners from schools and districts across the country and guest speakers!

      The post Possip’s 3rd Annual Partner Retreat appeared first on Possip | Engagement Platform | School Feedback Survey.

      Creating Openness in Education Systems: Leaders Who Listen

      The audience will gain reflections on developing teams and systems that are adaptable and responsive to feedback from families and communities.

      The post Creating Openness in Education Systems: Leaders Who Listen appeared first on Possip | Engagement Platform | School Feedback Survey.

      Friday, 3 March 2023

      February Family Trends 2023

      Caitlin Churchill, Possip’s Community Director provides an overview of top family feedback trends from February. If you love these Trend blogs, look forward to the annual Trends Reveal this April 26! 

      You may have seen response rates on Pulse Checks drop a bit during February – participation is lower this time of year than any other time of year. It may pick up in March, according to trends in past year’s data. The good news is that new voices continue to participate in each Pulse Check – over 21,000 new voices just in February. And over 42,000 families from across the country took the Possip Pulse Check in February!

      Happiness has dipped slightly as well, from 77% to 75%. Generally, happiness is higher for families receiving Pulse Checks weekly, dropping a percentage point for families receiving Pulse Checks biweekly, and a couple more for those receiving Pulse Checks monthly. Parents in elementary schools tend to be happier than parents in middle or high schools. 

      P.s. We’ll feature praise trends next month to gear up for Teacher Appreciation Week

      Below are the top 10 trends from report recommendations in February:

      #1 Teacher Feedback:

      Teacher Feedback is holding steady as the top trend this winter.

      When framing this trend, it is important to mention that year over year the number of praise comments for teachers outweighs other categories.

      This trend summary considers only the hot, medium, and cool recommendations provided about teacher feedback, so praise is not accounted for. In the hot comments, of which there are far more than medium and cool comments, families share concerns about interactions between teachers and students.

      • Hot comments are concentrated around interactions they perceive impacting their students’ emotional well-being and self-esteem.
      • Medium and cool comments this month express a desire for engaged teachers with professional behavior.

      Reporters recommended articles such as Repairing and Rebuilding Student-Teacher Relationships from Growing Great Schools Worldwide

      #2 Communication with Teachers:  

      Communication with Teachers is the second trend this month, but overall communication is a significant trend – encompassing communication about frequency and grades as well and representing about a fifth of all recommendations. Comments express parents wanting to be in touch with how their student is progressing academically or needing a better way to contact the school. Reporters suggested this Possip blog on Communications Solutions.

      #3 Academic Support:family in school working

      Many families mention situations where students are struggling or feeling overwhelmed and inquire about tutoring opportunities. In hot comments, over half the ~100 comments were requesting tutoring. Check out this highly-read article from Possip on tutoring programs for your school.

      #4 School Safety: 

      In general, families ask for supervision and transparency and may share that their student has communicated not feeling safe. Possip reporters recommend resharing with families the safety protocols that are in place for your school. Some of our partner schools like to share with parents and students ways they can communicate with a staff member if their child is feeling uncomfortable or unsafe for any reason. For more guidance, check out this highly-read Possip blog on school safety communication.

      #5 Curriculum Feedback:

      This winter families were asking for a more rigorous curriculum, but now the general ask is to help make learning fun and to help kids generate some enthusiasm and motivation! Parents are mentioning fine arts options and other elective classes students would enjoy. Possip reporters suggested hosting a curriculum night for families and reviewing course options with a curriculum planning committee or leadership. 

      #6 Student Discipline: 

      Comments on disciplinary practices may be on teachers’ responses to behavior, or on the families’ desire to improve behavior. Here’s an article with best practices for student discipline. 

      #6 & 7 Bullying & Student Fighting:  

      Two separate trends in this month’s top 10. Among the top ten trends, this month is bullying. Possip Reporters recommend reminding students and families who to go to for bullying-related needs. Here is a resource with helpful responses to parents and actions to take regarding bullying concerns. 

      #8 Transportation Needs: 

      Uniquely in the top ten trends is transportation. Generally, families are asking for more transportation options or safer transportation by managing bullying and safe pick-up and drop-off locations. 

      #9 Homework Assignments:

      This month parents are commenting on too much homework, particularly if it is online work or requires technology. Possip Reporters recommended sharing the feedback at an upcoming leadership team meeting and making adjustments when possible. Here’s a Possip blog post with 8 tips to help parents be homework heroes.

      #10 It’s a tie!

      A close tie for #10 goes to Carline Logistics and Extracurricular Activities and we’ve coupled them together because some schools create flexible drop-off and pick-up schedules with extracurricular activities and after-school programs! Visit this clip of Lenisha Roberts from Uplift Education in Texas on how Possip feedback helped her network improve carline logistics!

      We share these top family trends in the hopes that they help you have the tools, information, and ideas to support your school. Want to learn more about these trends? Reach out to Jennifer Kehl at

      The post February Family Trends 2023 appeared first on Possip | Engagement Platform | School Feedback Survey.

      Thursday, 2 March 2023

      Possip Live Demo

      Great leaders deserve great insights! Join our demo to see how you can make your school stronger.

      The post Possip Live Demo appeared first on Possip | Engagement Platform | School Feedback Survey.